Papas de Aveia Vegan com Banana Caramelizada


This vanilla oatmeal with caramelized banana and nut butter is warm, cozy and, gooey and perfect to a foggy cold morning (but I love it all year round!).

To make the cooking faster in the morning, I am going to soak some old-fashioned oats in the night before and in the morning I just have to drain them and heat them along with some plant-based milk.

I am using old-fashioned oats or rolled oats because, from all of the oat types, these have for me the best ration of cooking time to nutritional value. They have the fibers almost intact and for that reason conserve a better nutritional profile, promoting your satiety and gut health.

This porridge is best served hot with the caramelized bananas on top with some almond butter and some other toppings of your choice like quinoa grains, pumpkin seeds, and pomegranate seeds. Enjoy this warm and filling porridge! 

Papas de Aveia Vegan com Banana Caramelizada

This vanilla oatmeal with caramelized banana and nut butter is warm, cozy, and gooey and perfect to a foggy cold morning (but I love it all year round!).
Porções 1
Tempo de Preparação 15 minutes
Tempo de Confeção 10 minutes



  • 1 chávena soaked rolled oats
  • 1 chávena bebida vegetal
  • Few drops of vanilla extract
  • Pinch de sal

Banana Caramelizada

  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Tsp azeite
  • 1 Tsp adoçante líquido like maple syrup


  • Almond butter
  • Roasted almonds
  • Pomegranate seeds
  • Quinoa grains


  • On the night before just add 1 cup of rolled oats to a container, cover with some water and leave it on the fridge.
  • Next morning drain the water really well and add 1 cup of soaked oats to a small pan plus one cup of plant-based milk.
  • Add some drops of vanilla extract, a pinch of salt and let the oats cook in low heat, stirring constantly, until they get to your desired consistency.
  • In the mean time, cut one banana first in half and then in half lengthwise.
  • Heat a non stick skillet with a drop of olive oil and a drop of a liquid sweetener.
  • Lay the bananas on the skillet and let them cook for 30 seconds on high heat.
  • Depois cuidadosamente virem as rodelas de banana e deixem o outro lado cozinhar por mais 30 segundos, até que fiquem deliciosamente caramelizadas sem que amoleçam demasiado.
  • When the porridge is ready, serve it hot.
  • Place the caramelized bananas on top with some almond butter and some other toppings of your choice like quinoa grains, pumpkin seeds and pomegranate seeds.
  • Enjoy this warm and filling porridge!


To make the cooking faster in the morning, I am going to soak some old-fashioned oats in the night before and in the morning I just have to drain them and heat them along with some plant-based milk.
The reason I am using old-fashioned oats or rolled oats, it’s because, from all of the oat types, this has for me the best ration in terms of cooking time and nutritional value. They have the fibers almost intact and for that reason conserve a better nutritional profile, promoting your satiety and gut health.
The amount of milk will depend on your preference in terms of the oatmeal consistency, so adjust accordingly
Autor: Ana Rebelo, Registered Dietitian
Pratos: Pequeno-almoço, Snack
Cozinha: Americana
Tags: Dairy-free, Easy, Healthy, Lactose-free, Plant-based, Sugar-free, Vegan, Vegetarian

If you try this recipe take a picture and tag @zest.andthecity on Instagram or use the hashtag #zestandthecity, I would love to see your recreations. Join our community on Instagram, Facebook e YouTube! Love, Ana 💛

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